Kitchen Garden Guides

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Raw milk in South Australia

I received this email and hope you can help to get South Australians you know to add their impetus to allowing cow share-holders access to raw milk from the cow. If any state can do this, it will be SA. Please do what you can.



As an update to the situation in South Australia, I have been informed by Senator Mark Parnell that he is intending to introduce legislation into the South Australian parliament that would effectively ensure that share-herd operations are a legal means for people to access unprocessed milk.

This I suspect will be the first time an Australian parliament will have seen legislation that tries to ensure a legal avenue for people to have direct access to unprocessed milk.
It is important that those who support this cause make their voice heard now.

If you live in South Australia then write to your local representatives. If you don't, write to anyone who has anything to do with the place - like your batty old aunt who barracks for the Adelaide Crows, or your friend whose parents had their honeymoon in the Flinders Ranges!

Gordon Rouse


Jason Dingley said...

I thought it was already legal. It works on the loophole that allows cow owners to drink pure milk. My local organic store is a pick up location for one such operative. I am considering joining myself. I have even heard of then using the pet-food-only loophole. It is a bit like the sale of hemp seed for non-consumption.

Kate said...

I think this means they won't have to use a loop hole, which could be closed at some point.