Kitchen Garden Guides

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey, I have some ideas!

Probably the thing I am best at is having ideas. It is up to others to decide if they are wise or otherwise! Lately I have been spending more and more time sitting at a little round table by the big, sunny window in the lounge. There are several reasons for this.... I am lazy, I can see lots of the garden from here, it is one step from "Deb's" verandah where I am heading but don't quite make it, and I sit here taking in the vibes of this place, wondering what to make of what I see.

A previous owner made this part of the garden from everything she found washed up on the beaches nearby but this is her personal perspective and really has no relevance to me. It is a nice, triangular space, almost a walled space.... edged as it is by the high, curved slope of the dam wall and the driftwood fence, the side of the house, and the perimeter fence which is going to be screened with edible bushes and small trees.

Heronswood's vegetable parterre

For many years I have had a postcard of Heronswood - the home of Diggers - showing this circular vegetable garden, surrounded by vertical spaces for climbing fruit and veg... Also, my friend Kathy from Bridgewater, SA has a gorgeous circular herb garden and small, shady arbour, which I have admired for a long time.... and so I am thinking of doing something circular with my triangle!




Here is a sketch... please click to enlarge and read it..... a herb circle of about 6m in diameter in the wide part of the triangle.... surrounded by bushy fruits and nuts..... mostly.... but incorporating a strip of flowers and natives and just some other plants I think would be suitable. North is to the right and evidently this is also where a fierce wind comes from in spring, so I am keeping this in mind too. I am open to any suggestions.


The only problem is that there is a huge, strappy-leafed plant in that area and I am not sure I can dig it up by myself.... anyone want a little holiday in Tasmania?


chaiselongue said...

Sounds like a great idea, Kate. I love herb gardens with curved formal beds, but have never managed to achieve one!

The Bari cucumber seeds you gave us have germinated - the plants will have made an amazing journey around the world and almost back to the origins! I'm excited to think we'll be planting them in the garden very soon.

Anonymous said...

I reckon rambling curved paths would look good in that space. WE went to Mt Barker Community gardens last Sat and there are ponds and frogs and rambling paths, I shall post some photos sometime.

Kate said...

Thanks Anon.... but unbeknown perhaps to you, I have lots of rambling paths, a huge pond and so many frogs they keep me awake!Still, I would love to see the photos but I wonder where I would look to find them!

Maggie said...

It's me Kate I must not have added my name!!!

africanaussie said...

that sounds like the perfect spot for a little herb garden, and to have it a little formal will look nice as you are looking out at it from the window.